Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ab Exercise Equipment Review - What Works and What Doesn't

!±8± Ab Exercise Equipment Review - What Works and What Doesn't

As everyone is keen on getting flat and sexy abs, it's no wonder that there are so many ab exercise equipment items offered for sale online, on TV, and in sport goods stores everywhere.

The variety of these products is immense and they are usually sold with bold promises and quite a few advanced marketing ploys to make them seem like the greatest thing ever created and a sure (and often effortless) way to flatten your belly.

In this article I want to talk about a few ab exercise equipment items that I know work and also discuss about some which don't. Naturally, I can't cover each and every ab product in this one article.

What doesn't really work

When you see an ab exercise machine on TV you should remember a few things:

1. The models who appear in the ad most likely had their perfect body before they were hired to appear. Their flat stomach has little or nothing to do with the product advertised.

2. Just doing ab exercises can't help you lose belly fat enough to get flat abs or a six pack. You need to train your entire body and follow a healthy diet plan to get these kind of results.

3. The price of these machines is often quite high. Some of them are sold for hundreds of dollars. Before you rush to buy any of them remember that regular ab exercises cost nothing and can be done at home. Ask yourself if this machine really gives you the kind of added benefit that merits its cost.

4. Electric ab belts may look good and seem good in theory. However, they can't help you lose inches or pounds. The FDA states that these kind of products may help you tone and strengthen a muscle, they are not weight loss or fat loss products. Be aware of that.

You may be asking yourself what is left after discussing what doesn't work.

There are a few ab exercise products I do recommend...

Here's what works

1. Stability ball - The classic ab fitness product which can also be used for a variety of other exercises. A stability ball is an excellent and affordable product because it helps you do more intense ab exercises and trains your core better.

2. An ab wheel - This product is for more advanced trainees so it may not be right for you but the kind of ab workout you get with an ab wheel is tremendous. This is also a cheap product.

I recommend using one of these two types of products and to focus your efforts on full body workouts and a good diet plan to get the best abs you can have.

Ab Exercise Equipment Review - What Works and What Doesn't

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